Posted by Mike Jeays
The club held a "Spring Fling" event at the Carleton Place Legion, inviting members of other clubs in the area.
The Rotary Club of Carleton Place and Mississippi Mills hosted a dinner event for other clubs in the area. Members from the Kemptville, Smiths Falls, Arnprior and Perth clubs were welcomed. We presented a cheque for $1,700 to the Lanark Community Programs, which was accepted by Carol-Anne McNeil. We also made our second annual donation of $5,000 to the Lanark Community Interval House, for support of their important second-stage housing project. This cheque was accepted by Erin Lee, Executive Director of Interval House, and Cathie McOrmond.

The club presented the annual "Rotarian of the Year" award to Teresa DuBois for the work she has done on applying for charitable status for the club.

To round out the evening, David Somppi of the Lanark County Drug Strategy Network talked about the Planet Youth project, and the efforts being made to reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by teenagers. He described a very successful program in Iceland, and hopes to replicate it here.

The event was chaired by club president Ernie Rowe and organized by president-elect Brenda MacDonald-Rowe, and was held in the Carleton Place Legion Hall. Catering was by the Ladies Auxiliary. The meal was excellent, and the evening was enjoyed by thirty-nine guests and club members. Wayne Brunton, president-elect for 2020/21, made the final comments.

Carol-Anne McNeil accepts a cheque for $1,700 from Ernie Rowe, with Brenda MacDonald-Rowe at the podium.

Erin Lee and Cathie McOrmond accept a cheque for $5,000 from Ernie Rowe.


Teresa DuBois accepts the Rotarian of the Year award from Ernie Rowe.

Wayne Brunton thanks David Somppi for his talk.